| | All rights reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PLEASE READ THE FULL TEXT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IN THE "COPYRIGHT" | | FILE PROVIDED WITH THIS DISTRIBUTION. THE AGREEMENT TEXT IS ALSO AVAILABLE | | AT THE FOLLOWING URL: http://www.x-cart.com/license.php | | | | THIS AGREEMENT EXPRESSES THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH YOU MAY USE | | THIS SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION THAT RUSLAN R. | | FAZLIEV (hereinafter referred to as "THE AUTHOR") IS FURNISHING OR MAKING | | AVAILABLE TO YOU WITH THIS AGREEMENT (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE"). | | PLEASE REVIEW THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT | | CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING, | | COPYING OR OTHERWISE USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AND YOUR COMPANY | | (COLLECTIVELY, "YOU") ARE ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS | | LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO BE BOUND BY THIS | | AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. VARIOUS COPYRIGHTS AND | | OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECT THE SOFTWARE. THIS | | AGREEMENT IS A LICENSE AGREEMENT THAT GIVES YOU LIMITED RIGHTS TO USE | | THE SOFTWARE AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE OR FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE.| | THE AUTHOR RETAINS ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED BY THIS AGREEMENT. | | | | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ruslan R. Fazliev | | Portions created by Ruslan R. Fazliev are Copyright (C) 2001-2009 | | Ruslan R. Fazliev. All Rights Reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \*****************************************************************************/ # # $Id: func.cc_protx_common.php,v 2009/06/02 11:21:22 ferz Exp $ # if ( !defined('XCART_START') ) { header("Location: ../../"); die("Access denied"); } # # Common functions used in the Sage Pay payment modules # # The functions below are based on the examples from the PHP Integration # Kits, which were downloaded from the official Sage Pay website www.sagepay.com. # The original code was adapted to fit the X-Cart architecture. // Filters unwanted characters out of an input string. Useful for tidying up FORM field inputs. function cleanInput($strRawText, $strType, $maxChars=false, $customPattern=false) { switch ($strType) { case "Number": $strClean = "0123456789."; $bolHighOrder = false; break; case "Digits": $strClean = "0123456789"; $bolHighOrder = false; break; case "Text": $strClean =" ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.,'/{}@():?-_&£$=%~<>*+\""; $bolHighOrder = true; break; case "Custom": $strClean = $customPattern; $bolHighOrder = false; break; default: break; } $strCleanedText=""; $iCharPos = 0; do { // Only include valid characters $chrThisChar=substr($strRawText,$iCharPos,1); if (strspn($chrThisChar,$strClean,0,strlen($strClean))>0) { $strCleanedText=$strCleanedText . $chrThisChar; } else if ($bolHighOrder==true) { // Fix to allow accented characters and most high order bit chars which are harmless if (bin2hex($chrThisChar)>=191) { $strCleanedText=$strCleanedText . $chrThisChar; } } $iCharPos=$iCharPos+1; } while ($iCharPos $maxChars) $cleanInput = substr($cleanInput, 0, $maxChars); return $cleanInput; } /* Base 64 Encoding function ** ** PHP does it natively but just for consistency and ease of maintenance, let's declare our own function **/ function base64Encode($plain) { // Initialise output variable $output = ""; // Do encoding $output = base64_encode($plain); // Return the result return $output; } /* Base 64 decoding function ** ** PHP does it natively but just for consistency and ease of maintenance, let's declare our own function **/ function base64Decode($scrambled) { // Initialise output variable $output = ""; // Fix plus to space conversion issue $scrambled = str_replace(" ","+",$scrambled); // Do encoding $output = base64_decode($scrambled); // Return the result return $output; } /* The SimpleXor encryption algorithm ** ** NOTE: This is a placeholder really. Future releases of Form will use AES or TwoFish. Proper encryption ** ** This simple function and the Base64 will deter script kiddies and prevent the "View Source" type tampering ** ** It won't stop a half decent hacker though, but the most they could do is change the amount field to something ** ** else, so provided the vendor checks the reports and compares amounts, there is no harm done. It's still ** ** more secure than the other PSPs who don't both encrypting their forms at all */ function simpleXor($InString, $Key) { // Initialise key array $KeyList = array(); // Initialise out variable $output = ""; // Convert $Key into array of ASCII values for($i = 0; $i < strlen($Key); $i++){ $KeyList[$i] = ord(substr($Key, $i, 1)); } // Step through string a character at a time for($i = 0; $i < strlen($InString); $i++) { // Get ASCII code from string, get ASCII code from key (loop through with MOD), XOR the two, get the character from the result // % is MOD (modulus), ^ is XOR $output.= chr(ord(substr($InString, $i, 1)) ^ ($KeyList[$i % strlen($Key)])); } // Return the result return $output; } # # Common functions to check and tide up the values # # # Function tides up the values in accordance with the fields # specification # function func_sagepay_clean_inputs($data) { $fields_specs = func_sagepay_get_allowed_fields(); foreach ($fields_specs as $field => $spec) { if (!isset($data[$field]) || isset($spec["skip"])) continue; if (isset($fields_specs[$field]["allowed_values"])) { if ( !in_array($data[$field], $spec["allowed_values"])) { func_unset($data, $field); } continue; } $pattern = ($spec["filter"] == "Custom") ? $spec["pattern"] : false; $data[$field] = cleanInput($data[$field], $spec["filter"], $spec["max"], $pattern); } return $data; } # # Function returns an array of allowed fields # max: max length of the string for Text and Digits filters, # filter: filter to be applied in the cleanInput function # pattern: pattern for Custom filter # skip: skip checking of this input, since it is already perfomed in X-Cart # function func_sagepay_get_allowed_fields() { $fields_specification = array( "VendorTxCode" => array( "max" => 40, "filter" => "Custom", "pattern" => "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_." ), "Amount" => array( "skip" => true, ), "Currency" => array( "skip" => true ), "Description" => array( "max" => 100, "filter" => "Text" ), "SuccessURL" => array( "max" => 2000, "filter" => "Text" ), "FailureURL" => array( "max" => 2000, "filter" => "Text" ), "CustomerName" => array( "max" => 100, "filter" => "Text" ), "CustomerEMail" => array( "max" => 255, "filter" => "Text" ), "VendorEMail" => array( "max" => 255, "filter" => "Text" ), "SendEMail" => array( "allowed_values" => array(0,1,2,3) ), "eMailMessage" => array( "max" => 7500, "filter" => "Text" ), "BillingSurname" => array( "max" => 20, "filter" => "Text" ), "BillingFirstnames" => array( "max" => 20, "filter" => "Text" ), "BillingAddress1" => array( "max" => 100, "filter" => "Text" ), "BillingAddress2" => array( "max" => 100, "filter" => "Text" ), "BillingCity" => array( "max" => 40, "filter" => "Text" ), "BillingPostCode" => array( "max" => 10, "filter" => "Text" ), "BillingCountry" => array( "skip" => true ), "BillingState"=> array( "skip" => true ), "BillingPhone" => array( "max" => 20, "filter" => "Text" ), "DeliverySurname" => array( "max" => 20, "filter" => "Text" ), "DeliveryFirstnames" => array( "max" => 20, "filter" => "Text" ), "DeliveryAddress1" => array( "max" => 100, "filter" => "Text" ), "DeliveryAddress2" => array( "max" => 100, "filter" => "Text" ), "DeliveryCity" => array( "max" => 40, "filter" => "Text" ), "DeliveryPostCode" => array( "max" => 10, "filter" => "Text" ), "DeliveryCountry" => array( "skip" => true ), "DeliveryState" => array( "skip" => true ), "DeliveryPhone" => array( "max" => 20, "filter" => "Text" ), "Basket" => array( "max" => 7500, "filter" => "Text" ), "AllowGiftAid" => array( "allowed_values" => array("0","1") ), "ApplyAVSCV2" => array( "allowed_values" => array("0","1","2","3") ), "Apply3DSecure" => array( "allowed_values" => array("0","1","2","3") ), "TxType" => array( "allowed_values" => array("PAYMENT","DEFERRED","AUTHENTICATE","RELEASE","AUTHORISE","CANCEL","ABORT","MANUAL","REFUND","REPEAT","REPEATDEFERRED","VOID","PREAUTH","COMPLETE") ), "NotificationURL" => array( "max" => 255, "filter" => "Text" ), "Vendor" => array( "max" => 15, "filter" => "Text" ), "Profile" => array( "allowed_values" => array("LOW","NORMAL") ), "CardHolder" => array( "max" => 50, "filter" => "Text" ), "CardNumber" => array( "max" => 20, "filter" => "Digits" ), "StartDate" => array( "max" => 4, "filter" => "Digits" ), "ExpiryDate" => array( "max" => 4, "filter" => "Digits" ), "IssueNumber" => array( "max" => 2, "filter" => "Digits" ), "CV2" => array( "max" => 4, "filter" => "Digits" ), "CardType" => array( "allowed_values" => array("VISA","MC","DELTA","SOLO","MAESTRO","UKE","AMEX","DC","JCB","LASER","PAYPAL") ), "PayPalCallbackURL" => array( "max" => 255, "filter" => "Text" ), "GiftAidPayment" => array( "allowed_values" => array("0","1") ), "ClientIPAddress" => array( "max" => 15, "filter" => "Text" ), "MD" => array( "max" => 35, "Text" ), "PARes" => array( "max" => 7500, "filter" => "Text" ), "VPSTxID" => array( "max" => 38, "filter" => "Text" ), "Accept" => array( "allowed_values" => array("Yes","No") ), "Crypt" => array( "max" => 16384, "filter" => "Text" ), "AccountType" => array( "allowed_values" => array("E","M","C") ) ); return $fields_specification; } # # Format cart information for Protx payment methods. # function func_cc_protx_get_basket() { global $cart, $config; $cnt = 0; $basket = ''; # Products if (isset($cart['products']) && is_array($cart['products'])) { $cnt += count($cart['products']); foreach($cart['products'] as $product) { $basket .= ':'.str_replace(':', ' ', $product['product']).':'.$product['amount'].':---:---:---:'.price_format($product['display_price'] * $product['amount']); } } # Gift Certificates if (isset($cart['giftcerts']) && is_array($cart['giftcerts'])) { $cnt += count($cart['giftcerts']); foreach ($cart['giftcerts'] as $tmp_gc) { $basket .= ':GIFT CERTIFICATE:---:---:---:---:'.price_format($tmp_gc['amount']); } } # Discounts if ($cart['display_discounted_subtotal'] - $cart['display_subtotal'] != 0) { $cnt++; $basket .= ':Discount:---:---:---:---:'.price_format($cart['display_discounted_subtotal'] - $cart['display_subtotal']); } # Shipping if ($cart['shipping_cost'] > 0) { $cnt++; $basket .= ':Shipping cost:---:---:---:---:'.price_format($cart['display_shipping_cost']); } # Taxes if ($cart['tax_cost'] != 0 && $config['Taxes']['display_taxed_order_totals'] != 'Y') { $cnt++; $basket .= ':Tax:---:---:---:---:'.price_format($cart['tax_cost']); } # Payment Surcharge if (isset($cart['payment_surcharge']) && $cart['payment_surcharge'] != 0) { $cnt++; $basket .= ':Payment Handling Fee:---:---:---:---:'.price_format($cart['payment_surcharge']); } # Applied Gift Certificates if (isset($cart['giftcert_discount']) && $cart['giftcert_discount'] != 0) { $cnt++; $basket .= ':Applied Gift Certificates Discount:---:---:---:---:'.price_format($cart['giftcert_discount']*-1); } $basket = (string)$cnt . $basket; $basket = preg_replace("/[&+]/", " ", $basket); return $basket; } ?>