To set up shipping cost calculation through DHL/Airborne real-time shipping calculator, follow these steps:
1. If you haven't yet done so, provide your own company address in the 'General settings->Company options' section. Make sure you provide this address correctly - it will be submitted to the real-time shipping calculator as the origin address for all shipments from your store and thus will affect the shipping rates.
2. Obtain an account with DHL/Airborne (Download an application form from http://www.x-cart.com/download/XCartAPISignupForm.doc, complete it and submit it to XMLRequests@dhl.com).
3. Enable your store to use the real-time shipping calculator provided by DHL/Airborne:
- a. In your store's Admin area, go to the 'General settings->Shipping options' section.
- b. On the 'General settings->Shipping options' page, select the check box 'Enable real-time shipping calculation'. Unselect the check box 'Use Intershipper calculation service'.
- c. Use the 'DHL / Airborne account details' subsection of 'General settings->Shipping options' page to provide the required information.
4. Adjust DHL/Airborne options:
- a. Go to the 'Shipping methods' section of your store's Admin area (Settings menu->Shipping methods).
- b. Find DHL/Airborne in the list of real-time shipping methods and click the Options >> link opposite it. A dialog box with DHL/Airborne options opens.
- c. Adjust the options according to your preferences.
- d. Click the Apply button.
That is all. Now you can test whether your store can receive real-time shipping rates correctly. For details, see X-Cart:Testing Your Store's Ability to Receive Real-time Shipping Rates page.