X-Cart:What's New in X-Cart 4.5
X-Cart 4.5or above
Design and appearance
- UTF-8 is now supported out of the box. UTF-8 allows information from any language to be stored in the database in a single encoded character set, which means you can have both Latin (like English, French, German) and non-Latin (like Greek, Chinese, Japanese) languages in your store at the same time. This not only makes the creation of multilingual stores easier, but eliminates the architectural problem of earlier X-Cart versions where using incompatible character sets in one store could cause problems in the store operation (namely, data search and data sorting).
- Two new built-in skins have been added: Ideal Comfort and Books & Magazines.
- New demo products and related data are now available.
- Some unused CSS classes and obsolete language labels have been removed.
Shipping & payments
- All background/on-site/merchant hosted credit card payment methods have been removed due to PCI DSS requirements (see the list of removed methods below). You can still use them via X-Payments software.
- Subscriptions module has been removed completely for PCI DSS compliance.
- The following payment gateway integrations have been updated: PSiGate, DIBS (cc_dibs.php), Authorize.Net SIM, Paypal, Checkout by Amazon, ProxyPay3.
- USPS module has been completely revised and updated to meet the latest USPS APIs requirements. USPS shipping methods have been updated. Weight limits have been corrected for the USPS First Class methods. Now X-Cart can more accurately split orders into multiple packages according to the USPS package size and weight limitations.
- TaxCloud module integration has been implemented for better and more accurate tax calculation.
- Protection from SQL injection attacks has been improved.
- A bundle of CA Root Certificates have been updated.
Performance optimization
- Multi-language stores: International product descriptions are now stored in separate tables.
Payment modules removed from X-Cart (available via X-Payments)
- PayPal WPP Direct Payment
- GoEmerchant - EZ Payment Gateway Direct
- Virtual Merchant - Merchant Provided Form
- USA ePay
- SkipJack
- SecurePay - Non-Recurring Interface
- PSiGate - XML Direct
- Sage Pay Go - Direct protocol
- iTransact (Process USA) - XML scheme
- PlugnPay - Remote Auth method
- PayFlow - Pro
- Ogone - Direct
- NetRegistry e-commerce
- Netbilling gateway - Direct
- First Data Global Gateway - LinkPoint
- Innovative E-Commerce
- DIBS (cc_ideb.php)
- HeidelPay
- GoEmerchant - XML Gateway API
- eWAY Merchant Hosted Payment
- eSelect Plus - Direct Post
- eSec - Direct
- eSec - ReDirect
- eProcessingNetwork - Transparent Database Engine
- HSBC - XML API integration
- ECHOnline
- DirectOne - Direct Interface
- CyberSource - SOAP Toolkit API
- Caledon
- BluePay
- RBS WorldPay - Global Gateway
- Bean Stream
- ANZ eGate - Merchant-Hosted
- AuthorizeNet - AIM
New X-Cart 4.5.x versions
- X-Cart v4.5.0 released
- X-Cart v4.5.1 released
- X-Cart v4.5.2 and X-Payments v1.0.5 released
- New X-Cart product line and new X-Cart version released (v4.5.3)
- X-Cart v4.5.4 released
- X-Cart v4.5.5 and X-Payments v1.0.6 released
- All releases