Setting up shipping cost calculation for DHL/Airborne
To set up shipping cost calculation through DHL/Airborne real-time shipping calculator:
1. If you haven't yet done so, provide your own company address in the 'General settings->Company options' section. Make sure you provide this address correctly - it will be submitted to the real-time shipping calculator as the origin address for all shipments from your store and thus will affect the shipping rates.
2. Obtain an account with DHL/Airborne (Download an application form from https://www.x-cart.com/download/XCartAPISignupForm.doc, complete it and submit it to XMLRequests@dhl.com).
3. Enable your store to use the real-time shipping calculator provided by DHL/Airborne:
- a. In your store's Admin area, go to the 'General settings->Shipping options' section.
- b. On the 'General settings->Shipping options' page, select the check box 'Enable real-time shipping calculation'. Unselect the check box 'Use InterShipper calculation service'.
- c. Use the 'DHL / Airborne account details' subsection of 'General settings->Shipping options' page to provide the required information.
4. Adjust DHL/Airborne options:
- a. Go to the 'Shipping methods' section of your store's Admin area (Settings menu->Shipping methods).
- b. Find DHL/Airborne in the list of real-time shipping methods and click the Options >> link opposite it. A dialog box with DHL/Airborne options opens.
- c. Adjust the options according to your preferences.
- d. Click the Apply button.
That is all. Now you can test whether your store can receive real-time shipping rates correctly. For details, see X-Cart:Testing Your Store's Ability to Receive Real-time Shipping Rates page.
Shipping in multiple packages
X-Cart now provides a packaging algorithm that allows splitting an entire purchase into multiple packages that fit certain limitations (maximum package weight and dimensions). This algorithm allows to get real-time shipping rates even when the cart contains a large quantity of products with the total weight and dimensions exceeding the values allowed for a single package.
With the Dimensional Shipping feature, you can specify dimensions for each product you have got at your store (See the Product details page) and use those dimensions for calculating shipping rates using the on-line shipping rate calculation service.
For more information, please refer to Setting Up Dimensional Shipping.