X-Cart:SQL errors
Revision as of 15:20, 3 February 2010 by Admin (talk | contribs) (moved X-Cart:Troubleshooting to X-Cart:SQL errors)
- 1 SQL errors
- 1.1 Got error 28 from storage engine
- 1.2 Lost connection to MySQL server during query
- 1.3 Mysql connect(): Too many connections
- 1.4 MySQL server has gone away
- 1.5 SQL error when deleting products
- 1.6 The size of the data package being transmitted is greater than maximum allowed by the server
- 1.7 Unknown column 'xcart products.productid' in 'on clause'
- 1.8 User 'mysqluser' has exceeded the 'max questions' resource (current value: 50000)
SQL errors
Got error 28 from storage engine
This error appeared due to the lack of free space in the file system on the hard disc drive where MySQL is installed. The solution is rather simple - to clean up some disc space.
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
This error message means that when executing the query the conenction with MySQL server was lost
- if such errors are numerous , most likely the reason is the same as described here: http://kb.x-cart.com/article/mysql-server-has-gone-away
- if it is a one time error, then most likely it was caused by the MySQL srever restart
- also the problem may be caused by the low value of the max_allowed_packet option: http://kb.x-cart.com/article/the-size-of-the-data-package-being-transmitted-is-greater-than-maximum-allowed-by-the-server